Historic Files

Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

One of thousands after a few months at the concentration camp on Rab island, 1942/1943, photo unknown National Museum of Contemporary History

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Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

View of the concentration camp on the island of Rab, 1942/1943, photo unknown National Museum of Contemporary History

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Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

Victims of the concentration camp on Rab island, 1942/1943, photo unknown National Museum of Contemporary History

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Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

Children in the concentration camp on Rab island, 1942/1943, photo unknown National Museum of Contemporary History

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Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

Stane Kumar, Gonars – an internee behind the barbed wire National Museum of Contemporary History, G-21  

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Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

Stane Kumar, Children in Gonars, 1942/1943, pencil National Museum of Contemporary History, RI-2203

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Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

Stane Kumar, A newborn at Gonars concentration camp, 1943, pencil National Museum of Contemporary History, RI-2224  

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Posted by Manca | 06 September 2016

Stane Kumar, Study of an internee’s lower body part at Gonars concentration camp, 1943, pencil National Museum of Contemporary History, RI-2245  

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Posted by dparadiz | 29 August 2016

An overview of Italian concentration camps, camps for war prisoners, penitentiaries and places of confinement National Museum of Contemporary History

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Posted by Manca | 20 August 2016

List of interned civilians from Ljubljana, who were sought in the concentration camp of Padova Archidiocesan Archives of Ljubljana

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