Your Stories

Posted by Manca | 11 December 2016

Fani Ferjančič, born Verčon, in Erzelj in 1920, was interned to Fraschette d’Alatri in March 1943 for being denounced as a supporter of partisan movement. Two other sisters were interned...

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Posted by Manca | 10 December 2016

Mimi Perc, born in Loški potok 1925, was interned to Rab in October 1942 for being caught as an underage partisan. She stayed in the camp till April 1943. Her...

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Posted by Manca | 13 October 2016

Pepca Kozina (1919, Žlebič ̶ 2004, Žlebič) was deported to the Italian camps of Treviso and Visco, while her uncle Janez’s destination was Renicci. Before her death, Pepca’s niece Marija...

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Posted by Manca | 13 October 2016

Cousins Sonja Šefman, born Bartol, 1927, and Marija Benčina, born Mohar, 1926, in Retje (Slovenia). During her internment in Gonars, Sonja (sitting) received a postcard from her father who was...

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